Cyril Cyril

Jardin anglais | 17h30 - 18h30 | Concert

Not easy to place Cyril Cyril on the infinite spectrum of music. But if we had to assign a color to these two dizygotic souls, it would be: crafted trance folk song.

Cyril Cyril is the happy encounter of two individuals united by the same first name and, more importantly, by the idea of creating an eminently lively musical entity. After parading their ghostly fanfare, mutant banjo, and myriad percussion instruments throughout Europe and even beyond, they return with a third album. This opus takes the form of a usage of the world, where one must learn to (sur)vive, laugh, and hope, even amidst the ruins.

Cyril Bondi (percussions, magic, vocals), Cyril Yeterian (space banjo, politics, vocals)

© photo : Medhi Bunkler