Tales for Children
Caroline Langendorf
QUAI GUSTAVE-ADOR | 15h - 16h | famille
Tales for well-behaved scamps and mischievous toddlers, that’s the playful offer from Caroline Langendorf. Little innocent rascals are welcome.
Stories galore, told – and sometimes sung – by the storyteller Caroline Langendorf. With her theatrical sense, energy, and vocal range, she joyfully brings to life a whole array of characters, such as a foolish ogre, a gullible wolf, a superheroine, and even a Geneva witch. Blending narration and performance, don’t miss this opportunity to experience an artist who has been delighting audiences for a long time, in all the places where tales are passionately told and listened to with enthusiasm. You’ll want more, again and again.
For all audiences, ages 5 and up.
© photo : Laura Wagli